Part 25: Chapter 3, Levels 9 & 10

"There's nothing like a very hostile corporate takeover bid to invigorate one's senses! The game of hunter and hunted has always had major appeal. This is starting to get fun. Gideon is soon to run out of hiding places. Time to tree the rat, as it were. A bit of janitorial work is at hand. Cleaning out offices has never been so much fun! Now where was that elevator to the rooftops?"
The biggest pain in this level - well, second-biggest, after its insistence on throwing another Death Shroud and a Fanatic with a sniper rifle in the same corridor - is that it expects a bit of pixel hunting. Offices all over the place in one of the first areas and you're expected to spot a key hidden underneath one of the desks, not to mention expect the desk to just shatter normally rather than exploding in your face like all of the others do. Then the same thing again but for a switch. I got lucky and remembered where I was supposed to go on-camera this time, but I had to stop playing this level and go look up a walkthrough twice during my test run.
If there's anything nice to be said about these levels in CabalCo's HQ, it's that it made me want to play FEAR again. To give you an idea how much I love that game, I started recording from a new game to get some footage to go along with the next video and ended up with fifty-five minutes' worth of footage. I'd LP it myself if I didn't think b00n's LP wasn't already a near-perfect encapsulation of everything that makes it so great.

"There's that clay pigeon Gideon! That fairly rolls off the tongue: Pigeon Gideon. WooooHooooo! Skeet shooting is one of your favorite games. This is going to be a blast! For him. Pull! Bang! Pull! Bang! Pull! No more running Gideon. Your flight is over, schmuck. You're outta luck."
We end the last of the game's full chapters with a dedicated boss fight level. Nice of them to get to the point right away for once, means I can get to the point of my commentary right away. I'm also just now noticing how appropriate it is that this level has the same title as that old LP of the first Blood I attempted on Viddler way back in 2010/2011 (spoilers for those who can't time travel: I got stuck in the last chapter).
Also, guess how my hopes that this fight would glitch out and end early went? They went so badly I had to fully deplete his health bar twice, because the game immediately fucking crashed the first time I killed him.
Unless other issues come up in the meantime, there shouldn't be a delay on starting the next chapter this time, because that chapter is only three levels long, and short of deciding to LP FEAR 2's DLC or something I don't have a whole lot left over to show off and artificially inflate the amount of effort I'm putting into these before the end credits. We're so close to the end that I very well could be starting on the Nightmare Levels by the end of the week after the next.